International Journal Papers
1. Shridhar Sanshi, Pramodh Krishna D., Ramesh Vatambeti (2022) “Enhancing the Communication of IoT Using African Buffalo Delay Tolerant and Risk Packet Jump Approach” WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, DOI:10.37394/23209.2022.19.20 SCOPUS)2.Vatambeti, R., Sanshi, S. & Krishna, D.P. “An efficient clustering approach for optimized path selection and route maintenance in mobile ad hoc network” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2021). (SCIE)
3.Ramesh Vatambeti, Kola Sangeetha Supriya, Shridhar Sanshi (2020), “Identifying and detecting black hole and gray hole attack in MANET using gray wolf optimization” International Journal of Communication Systems. DOI: 10.1002/dac.4610 (SCIE)
4.Shridhar Sanshi, and Jaidhar CD (2017), "Enhanced Mobility Aware Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks", Journal of Wireless Networks, DOI 10.1007/s11276-017-1619-6. (SCIE).
5.Shridhar Sanshi, and Jaidhar CD (2018), "Enhanced mobility routing protocol for wireless sensor network”, Journal of Wireless Networks, DOI 10.1007/s11276- 018-1816-y. (SCIE).
6.Shridhar Sanshi, and Jaidhar CD (2018). "Fuzzy optimized routing metric with mobility support for RPL", Journal of IET Commun, DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2018.5562 (SCIE)
7.K Saikumar, K Butchi Raju, Chintasomeswara Rao, Shridhar Sanshi, M Kian Kumar “Optimized Building of Machine Learning Models for The Diagnosis of Thyroid Problems in Human Beings”, Journal of International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, DOI
International Conference Papers
1. Shridhar Sanshi, and Jaidhar C.D. (2018), "Assessment of Objective Functions under mobility in RPL", 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics, Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques ICACNI, Singapore, 565-576.
2. Shridhar Sanshi, and Jaidhar C.D. (2019), "Multimetrics-based objective function for low power and lossy networks under mobility", Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, SocPros, Singapore, 391-403.
3. Shridhar Sanshi, and Jaidhar C.D. (2018), "Mobility Aware Routing Protocol based on DIO message for Low power and Lossy Networks", 18th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA 2018. Vellore, India.
4. Riyazulla Rahman J.; Sanshi S.; Ahamed N.N (2021) “Health Monitoring and Predicting System using Internet of Things Machine Learning”, 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2021 DOI:10.1109/ICACCS51430.2021.9441856.