GIAN Course on Software Mining and Analysis

Course Contents:

  1. Software Testing
  2. Software Reliability
  3. Software Maintenance
  4. Software Re-engineering
  5. Program Analysis
  6. Introduction to Software Mining
  7. Data Mining (DM) for Software Engineering (SE)
  8. Information Retrieval (IR) for Software Engineering
  9. Empirical Studies in Software Engineering
  10. Engineering Software as a Service (SaaS)

This course introduces participants to both fundamental concepts and advanced techniques and tools for software mining and analysis that can help to improve software reliability, maintainability, and productivity. It will cover topics in software testing, debugging, and maintenance, and exposes participants to active research being done in the field of software engineering. It will draw techniques and tools from static and dynamic program analysis, data mining, information retrieval, and empirical studies to mine and analyze various software data, which includes but is not limited to source code, executable code, code repository records, code specifications, test cases, bug reports, execution pro-files, and documentations. The course primarily aims to equip participants with knowledge and skills to carry out studies in the field of software engineering. Some knowledge and skills learned can also be used in participants' own research and development projects.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, the attendee will have the ability to do the following:

  • Be able to describe the fundamental concepts and advanced techniques and tools for software mining and analysis.
  • Understand how to improve software reliability, maintainability, and productivity
  • Finally, will understand techniques and tools from static and dynamic program analysis, data mining, information retrieval, and empirical studies to mine and analyze various software data.

Teaching Faculty:

Dr. David Lo, B.Eng (NTU), PhD (NUS),
Assistant Professor
School of Information Systems
Singapore Management University


Professor K. Chandrasekaran
Department of CSE,
NITK Surathkal,
+91-824-2474000 Extn. 3400, 3044

David Lo is an assistant professor in School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University. He is working in the intersection of software engineering and data mining research. He is an active researcher in the emerging field of software analytics which focuses on the design and development of specialized data analysis techniques to solve software engineering problems. He has delivered invited keynote speeches and lectures on the topic in many venues, such as the 2010 Workshop on Mining Unstructured Data, the 2013 Génie Logiciel Empirique Workshop, the 2014 International Summer School on Leading Edge Software Engineering, and the 13th Estonian Summer School on Computer and System Science. He received the Lee Foundation Fellow for Research Excellence from the Singapore Management University in 2009 for his research contribution in software engineering. He has won a number of international research awards including two ACM distinguished paper awards. He has served/is currently serving in the program and/or organizing committees of many top/major software engineering and data mining international conferences including ICSE and KDD. He also serves in the steering committee of the IEEE International Conference on Software ANalysis, Evolution and Reengineering, and the IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation. He is also an editorial board member of the Empirical Software Engineering journal and Neurocomputing journal (software section).

Registration Starts: September 16, 2016

Registration Closes: October 05, 2016

Selection Notification: October 06, 2016

Event Date: October 17, 2016 to October 21, 2016

Online registration is MUST to attend this course.

Before registration read the instructions given below:

Registration Procedure:

  1. Fill the registration form that was sent with Brochure.
  2. Pay the registration fee (if applicable) as DD.
  3. Scan the duly filled registration form and the DD (PDF format only accepted).
  4. Go to the online registration link:
  5. Fill the registration form and upload the scanned documents on or before October 05, 2016.
  6. Acceptance notification will be sent by E-mail.

Note: Number of participants for this course is limited to 50.

Registration Fee:

Industry / Research Organization Rs. 10,000/-
Academic Institutions Rs. 5,000/-

* The above fee includes all instructional materials, computer use and internet facility.  The participants will not be given any TA/DA and boarding / lodging support. Participant can bring their laptop for effective utilization of course delivery.

Note: Faculty / student of NITK will be admitted at free of cost.

Payment Details:

Payment Mode In Favour of Payable at
Only Demand Draft (DD) COMSIM Surathkal or Mangalore

Contact us

Dr. B. R. Chandavarkar
Head of the Department
Department of CSE, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.
Hot line: +91-0824-2474053
Email: hodcse[AT]nitk[DOT]ac[DOT]in


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